12 events found.
Front Courtyard Concert with Kala Farnham
WDS Museum 211 Main Street, Wethersfield, CTJoin us for a free concert in the Front Courtyard [...]
Concert in the Webb Barn with Shaded Soul
WDS Museum 211 Main Street, Wethersfield, CTShaded Soul is based in Connecticut and travels across New [...]
Nature Journaling in the Fall Garden with Amanda Kimball
WDS Museum 211 Main Street, Wethersfield, CTTHIS PROGRAM IS SOLD OUT. Thanks for your interest. When [...]
$35 – $40
The Curious Case of Silas Deane
WDS Museum 211 Main Street, Wethersfield, CTYou’ve heard the story of the Founding Fathers and the [...]
$15 – $20
Behind the Scenes of Museum Interpretation: An Open Session with Debbie Harper
WDS Museum 211 Main Street, Wethersfield, CTBehind the Scenes of Museum Interpretation: An Open Session with [...]
$10 – $15
The Witch in Old Connecticut: Righting a Troublesome Legacy
WDS Museum 211 Main Street, Wethersfield, CTTHANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN THIS EVENT. IT IS [...]
$10 – $15
Potions, Divination, and Protection Practices Through the Ages
WDS Museum 211 Main Street, Wethersfield, CTDid you know that Eye of Newt refers to the [...]
$25 – $30
Panic in Connecticut: Accused Witches Have Their Say: A performance by Virginia Wolf of Herstory Theater
WDS Museum 211 Main Street, Wethersfield, CTTravel back to the 17th century and hear what five [...]
$20 – $25
Witches & Tombstones Tour
WDS Museum 211 Main Street, Wethersfield, CTTHIS EVENT IS SOLD OUT. THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST! [...]
$25 – $30
The Alchemy of Justice: John Winthrop, Jr., and New England’s Other Witch: Presented by Walt Woodward
WDS Museum 211 Main Street, Wethersfield, CTTHIS EVENT IS SOLD OUT. THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST. [...]
$10 – $15
Country House Conference
WDS Museum 211 Main Street, Wethersfield, CTThe 2023 Country House Conference comes to Webb Deane Stevens [...]