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***WE HAVE REACHED FULL CAPACITY FOR THIS PROGRAM. Thank you for your interest.*** Community Historian John Mills returns with a detailed update on his extensive research into the life of Connecticut’s Prince Mortimer, a slave from Guinea who was brought to New England in 1730 when he was six years old and died at the age of 110 in 1834 while serving a life sentence at the Wethersfield prison. John will also talk about several upcoming projects surrounding individuals with similar untold stories. FREE.

6-6:30pm Wine and Cheese Reception (A suggested donation of $5 is welcomed.)

6:30-7:30pm Presentation

About John

Originally from San Diego, John Mills is a technologist by trade, but a genealogist and equity advocate by passion. The descendant of both southern and northern slaves, as well as the descendant of slave holders due to their relationships with female slaves, John focuses on unearthing little known people and stories of this country’s history in slavery and the transatlantic slave trade. John’s goal is honor the forgotten, as well as to apply critical thinking to our history as a means to find solutions to the many ripple effects today.

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