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Enjoy complimentary refreshments, guided tours of the Amy Cogswell Colonial Revival Garden, and a free garden talk with the Museum’s Head Gardener Peter Winne. Connecticut’s Historic Gardens Day guests will save $1 off the price of regular museum admission for our guided historic house tours and exhibitions in the Holcombe Education Center.

At 1 p.m. Head Gardener Peter Winne will talk about garden maintenance using examples from the Webb Deane Stevens Museum grounds. He will discuss tasks such as site preparation, dividing perennials, pruning, deadheading, and mulching, presented in a month-by-month framework. During his talk, Peter will provide homeowners with many useful tips on how they can make their own gardens look as beautiful as the Museum’s!

After finishing a degree in urban planning, Peter Winne spent his twenties pursuing a career in music while working gardening jobs on the side to support himself. In his thirties, music became a hobby and gardening a vocation when he took a job as Head Gardener at Elizabeth Park in Hartford. After five seasons in the nation’s oldest public rose garden, he started his own garden design business based in Greater Hartford.

Our garden is one of 16 distinctive historic gardens in Connecticut! Learn more about Connecticut’s Historic Gardens Day here.


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